Hyndburn Council has been given an update on the future disposal of non-recyclable waste across Lancashire as its Altham-based tip is due to close.

The authority is looking at options for the process.

It is one of four boroughs in the east of the county which will be seriously affected by the ending of the use of the Whinney Hill landfill site.

The other three waste sites are in Burnley, Pendle, and Rossendale.

READ MORE: Residents fed up by hordes of seagulls over Whinney Hill tip

The problem has arisen because the contract between Conservative-run Lancashire County Council - which disposes of residual waste on behalf of its 12 district councils - and SUEZ Recycling and Recovery to use the Whinney Hill site is due to end in March 2025, or March 2026 if an extension can be negotiated.

Former Tory environment boss Cllr Steven Smithson asked his Labour successor Cllr Stewart Eaves at this month's full meeting of Hyndburn Council: "Is there an update on a waste transfer centre for Hyndburn?"

Cllr Eaves replied: "The waste transfer station provision is a subject that Lancashire County Council have kicked into the long grass for years, and when they couldn't sort it out they passed the problem to Hyndburn Council.

"We are now approaching the eleventh hour.

"Hyndburn Council officers have met recently with senior officers from LCC to further discuss the provision of a suitable and convenient waste transfer station for Hyndburn.

"Hyndburn Council's position remains the same, Lancashire County Council as waste disposal authority should be providing a suitable and convenient waste transfer station for Hyndburn's bin wagons to deposit their waste.

"The county council's waste strategy called 'Rubbish to Resources' lays out in detail how waste will be collected and disposed of throughout Lancashire.

"The strategy has been delivered for councils in the north and west of the county but the East Lancashire element has not been delivered.

"An email has been sent to the director responsible asking why the strategy has been delivered to every part of Lancashire except East Lancashire.

"We are awaiting a response to that email as we believe it is unfair that Lancashire County Council has invested in waste transfer solutions for other councils but have left out Hyndburn and other East Lancashire councils.

"The officers would prefer to use the Suez site at Darwen or get a further extension at Whinney Hill, but £500,000 has been earmarked towards the cost should that be necessary.

"We are dealing with the matter proactively and feel that the situation can be remedied to our satisfaction."