A Blackburn Rovers fan who has Alzheimer’s has revealed how attending matches has helped him.

Geoff Spring, who celebrated his 75th birthday at the weekend, has a deep rooted love for Blackburn Rovers and has renewed his season ticket for the coming season.

Geoff has been receiving regular support from Blackburn Rovers Community Trust’s Remember the Rovers programme, following his diagnosis in December 2023.

Remember the Rovers takes place every Wednesday morning and provides the opportunity for people over 50 to socialise through activities, quizzes, and guest speakers in the iconic setting of Ewood Park.

The group supports local residents with dementia and Alzheimer’s to rekindle memories of Blackburn Rovers Football Club.

Geoff said: “Remember the Rovers is really good. I’ve met some good people, and we all help each other.

“I enjoy getting out, I’ve been following Blackburn Rovers for quite some time and I have a season ticket. 

“I couldn’t sit at home, it would drive me crazy, so coming here to Remember the Rovers is great for me and it keeps me active.

“I enjoy watching the matches in the Jack Walker Stand and I like where I sit. Everybody is so nice and helpful, and that is great for me, especially when we win. 

“I love watching football and supporting Blackburn Rovers.”

Blackburn Rovers Community Trust has so far received nearly £2,500 worth of donations from 2024-25 season ticket holders to help support the local community. The money will be put towards match tickets for those less fortunate in the area to provide them with an opportunity to watch live football at Ewood Park. 

Christine, Geoff’s wife, believes that since his diagnosis, attending the charity’s Remember the Rovers group has been beneficial and has given him a focus.

Christine added: “It’s really helped me as it’s given him a focus and that’s what you need with Alzheimer’s, and it’s really helped him as well.

“He got diagnosed in December, but he’s on medication, so we’re waiting to see the consultant who said he could stay like this or could get worse. You never know with Alzheimer’s and dementia, there’s a lot of research going on.

“His mum had it, and there’s so many different varieties and I work in the NHS. 

"Blackburn Rovers have been fantastic, he’s here on a Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning with Age UK. He’s ten-pin and crown green bowling, he really enjoys it. He’s able to meet people and keep his brain active and that’s what he’s doing and that’s great.”

Christine praised the work that Blackburn Rovers Community Trust and Age UK do to support participants who attend Remember the Rovers.

She added: “He’s got a season ticket, and he gets a personal assistant ticket to go with it which is fantastic, so his granddaughter is going with him this season. 

"It’s brilliant and there’s so much that Rovers do, they’ve probably saved him in a way, coming to everything.

“The link that Blackburn Rovers has with Age UK is really good, and I knew the activities would suit him. He enjoys football and he’s been watching the European Championships in Blues Bar.”

To find out more about the assistant supporters scheme, please e-mail ticketoffice@rovers.co.uk.