A police dog sniffed out two people who were in possession of drugs, in Rossendale pubs.

Police dog Zola and her handler, PC Butcher, were on patrol in Rossendale. Zola walked through pubs and several people were searched by officers.

Two people were found in possession of cocaine. Another was found to be smoking cannabis as police walked past.

Several others were “clearly under the influence of substances” and given suitable advice.

A police spokesperson: “PD Zola is relatively new to the team and is specially trained to sniff out controlled drugs.

"Working with full co-operation with the management of the venues, PD Zola did several walk-throughs in pubs in the Valley and was able to identify several individuals who were subjected to searches by officers from the special constabulary.

“Two individuals were found in possession of cocaine and dealt with for that offence. Another was found to be smoking a cannabis joint as we walked past (we didn't need Zola's nose to detect that one).

"Several others were clearly under the influence of substances and given suitable advice.

“Most customers were happy to see us out doing this work, helping to keep them safe, and the message is that we will continue to carry out such operations and if you are going out, and using drugs, you will need to keep your eye out for Zola, she is looking for you.

“Many thanks to PD Zola, PC Butcher and the seven of our special constables who gave up their evening to support this operation. Sergeant Steve Dundon, east licensing team.”