A man launched a violent attack on a woman in Preston, suffocating her and hitting her with a hammer.

On December 11, 2023, Aiden Bernes, 46, attempted to murder a 51-year-old woman. He subjected her to verbal abuse whilst he was carrying out a prolonged attack.

At 10.45pm the woman attended a Chinese takeaway in Preston looking for help. Her clothes were heavily bloodstained, she had a loop of heavy tape around her neck and was struggling to breathe.

Although clearly suffering the effects of the attack, she was able to give a brief outline of what had happened to the police.

She identified her attacker as Bernes, a man who she had only known a few weeks. She explained to police officers that she had met Bernes on a night out and invited him back to her house. From then, he effectively moved in and took control of her home.

That night after verbally abusing and degrading her, he launched an attack which lasted approximately 30 minutes. He strangled, gagged and suffocated her before rendering her unconscious with a claw hammer. During the attack, he told her he had been dreaming about killing her.

When she regained consciousness, she found she was in her living room alone. Knowing Bernes had her house keys, she fled the house by climbing out through a window and sought help at the nearby takeaway.

He was arrested shortly after 11pm at her house, where there was evidence of a violent assault. The claw hammer he had used to attack her was seized.

Bernes made no comment during the police interview conducted the following day but pleaded guilty to attempted murder on March 14, 2024.

Today (July 12) he was sentenced to 22 years in prison with a five-year extended licence period.

Paul Robinson, senior crown prosecutor for CPS North West said: “Aiden Bernes is an extremely violent man who carried out a sustained attack on a woman within her own home.

“He made the attack even more terrifying by recounting his dreams of killing her during the assault. Luckily, she managed to flee and seek help.

“We worked closely with Lancashire police to build a compelling case. The strength of the evidence was such, that he had no option but to plead guilty to attempted murder.

“Violence against women and girls has no place in our society. I hope following today’s sentence the woman can begin to move on with her life.”