Police are investigating after a rise in vehicle crime reports in Blackburn.

On Wednesday and Thursday, there have been reports of items being stolen from cars.

If car doors have been left open the individual has reportedly entered the vehicle and took items with him.

A police spokesperson said: “Over the last two nights, there has been a rise in vehicle crime within your area. 

“A lone, unknown male has been out in the area, on foot trying car doors. If car doors have been left unlocked, the individual has chanced his arm and taken belongings from within. 

 “Your local neighbourhood officers have been out this morning, on patrol and conducting house to house in the area. 

 “If you have been a victim or have any information and or CCTV, please contact your local neighbourhood police team.

 “Please ensure no valuables are left in your vehicles and vehicles are locked. 

 “We also have plenty of crime prevention equipment that we can provide such as Faraday pouches to keep car keys and bank cards safe.”

If you have information contact: PC 2520 Scott Leatherbarrow - 2520@lancashire.police.uk or PC 4302 Charlotte Mikolajewski - 4302@lancashire.police.uk.