A man has been sentenced for the historic rapes, attempted rapes, sexual assaults, and indecent assaults against three children in Blackburn.

Haroon Lorgat, 33, was aged between 12 and 13 years old at the main point of the offending, which took place between 2001 and 2005.

His victims, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were as young as four at the time of their abuse.

The sentencing hearing at Burnley Crown Court on Friday, July 12, heard victim personal statements from two of the victims, while the third was read to the court by prosecuting barrister Mark Kellet.

Haroon LorgatHaroon Lorgat (Image: Lancashire Police)

The first victim said: “Writing this statement has made me realise it was the abuse I suffered that led me to be overcome with trauma.

“I remember feeling guilty so I never spoke about it, fearing that speaking out would get me in trouble.

“I convinced myself these things didn’t happen and continued with my life. I spent a lot of time in bed, wanting to sleep the days away.

“I didn’t want to exist. I would go days on end without showering or changing clothes. I thought about killing myself.”

The second victim said: “I didn’t understand the severity of what happened to me. At around 12 or 13 I began to understand what happened to me was actually sexual abuse.

“I remember crying and praying to God it would stop. I spent my nights praying to God to end my life so I wouldn’t have to live through this.

“I wondered if he ever thought about his actions or felt any kind of remorse or guilt. It hurts me to think about the life I could have had if I wasn’t abused in the way I was.”

The third victim, whose statement was read by Mr Kellet, said: “My life has forever been changed and all I can do is somehow heal and move on from this, and it will probably take a lifetime.

“I still suffer from nightmares and flashbacks to this day. Deep down, I’ll never be okay. I can only hope someday that can change.”

In total, Lorgat was sentenced for 14 offences against his victims – four counts of indecent assault; two counts of attempted rape; one count of rape; four counts of rape of a child under 13; one count of sexual assault of a child under 13; and two multiple-incident counts.

Lorgat, of Edith Street, Blackburn, denied the offences at a plea and trial preparation hearing last year but was found guilty after trial earlier this year.

Sentencing, Judge Andrew Jeffries said: “Your motivations remain unknown given your protestations of innocence.

“These were not isolated offences. They were repeated offences against three victims.

“The effect of your behaviour was obvious during the trial.

“You will be subject to notification requirements for life. There will be no sexual harm prevention order given the circumstances of the case.

Burnley Crown CourtBurnley Crown Court (Image: Archive)

“These offences, had you been sentenced when you were 13 or 14, would clearly have been classed as grave offences.”

A police spokesperson said: “I would like to commend the courage these three victims displayed in coming forward to report what Lorgat had done to them. It was clear from the evidence they gave the profound impact these crimes have had on them, despite the many years that have passed.

“They have demonstrated the upmost dignity throughout the investigation and court process.

“Lancashire Police remains committed to protecting vulnerable victims of crime and we will do everything in our power to get perpetrators to face their consequences at court - no matter how long ago the offences were committed.”

Lorgat was sentenced to eight years in prison.