The Clitheroe Camping and Caravanning Club has launched an initiative to encourage children from urban areas to experience the outdoors.

The club's research discovered that 32 per cent of city and town-dwelling youngsters have never visited the countryside.

The study covered 1,000 city-based parents along with their six to 12-year-old children.

It revealed one in five of the kids have never tried to climb a tree, while 35 per cent have never slept in a tent.

A significant number of children have also never experienced multiple outdoor activities such as camping (32 per cent), eating a meal cooked on a camp stove (39 per cent), or crabbing in rockpools (41 per cent).

To engage more people in enjoying nature, the Clitheroe club, together with its new president, wildlife cameraman Hamza Yassin, is enticing locals outdoors with a competition to win a brand-new caravan valued at around £22,000.

Mr Yassin said: "I love going camping, connecting with nature and experiencing wildlife.

"I’d like to introduce more people in Clitheroe to the joy of camping and show how it puts you on nature’s doorstep and all the benefits it can bring."

Sabina Voysey, director general of The Camping and Caravanning Club, said: "Spending time in the outdoors through camping can be an amazing experience for children, giving them a sense of wonder and freedom.

"It’s a great way to learn skills such as map reading, cooking and pitching a tent."

The Club's research also indicated that 88 per cent of parents think it's important for their child to have outdoor experiences.

More than half (54 per cent) of parents worry their child misses out on key experiences by not spending enough time outside.

Mr Yassin added: "Learning in the outdoors not only teaches children to protect and respect the natural world, it enhances their creativity and fosters a sense of adventure."