Pupils in Blackburn recreated the name of their school as part of the 70th anniversary celebrations.

A total of 510 children gathered in the playground at Lammack Primary School to create giant letters, which was captured on drone footage.

It came as the school hosted a number of events to mark the milestone and also to celebrate the culmination of extension works on the school grounds. 

Most recently, former members of staff and governors joined pupils at a special event at the school.

Year 5 children opened the celebrations with a personalised song and then visitors toured the school to see a variety of presentations.

Staff later opened a new library in memory of colleague Mr Rawsthorne.

Headteacher Paula Duckworth said: “Celebrating Lammack’s 70th has been a great opportunity to welcome past staff and pupils into school.

"We also invited representatives from the local authority and Wade Group who built the new extensions to the school. 

“We have recently been accredited as an Oracy Centre of Excellence by Voice 21 and this event gave the children the opportunity to demonstrate to the visitors how they can speak confidently and express themselves articulately. 

“Everyone who attended was impressed by the children across the school and how they presented information about Lammack to all of the visitors.  

A Voice 21 Representative said: ‘I'm absolutely blown away by the work you've all done at Lammack. 

“I was so impressed with the confidence of your students. They spoke really eloquently when public speaking and they were so engaged, confident and friendly when I spoke to them in their classes. 

“It is a joy to lead the school as the children, staff and parents work together as a community, which in turn means the children achieve more.

"Marking 70 years has been a wonderful opportunity to celebrate a fantastic school as it expands. 

“As I said at the event, I am proud to have been the headteacher here for the past 10 years and look forward to seeing what the school can achieve in the future."

Here is a picture from the LT archive from 1967 of pupils at Lammack 

The school revealed to be accredited an ‘Oracy Centre of Excellence’, it had to demonstrate the quality of Oracy education being provided across five areas of school life: the school’s vision, culture, curriculum, learning and impact on students.