A police officer executing an arrest had a cup of liquid thrown in his face by someone who had nothing to do with the incident.

Blackburn magistrates heard initially the officer was concerned the liquid could have been corrosive or acidic but it turned out to be beer.

Dean Evans, 29, of Norfolk Grove, Church, pleaded guilty to assaulting an emergency worker and assault with intent to resist arrest.

He was made subject to a 12-month community order with a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement and three months alcohol treatment requirement.

He was also ordered to pay £170 compensation to the officer.

Victoria Forrest, prosecuting, said PC Stephen Taylor and another officer were in the process of arresting another man in Blackburn Road, Accrington.

“He noticed the defendant approaching and he had a cup in his hand,” said Miss Forrest.

“He threw the contents in the officer’s face and at that point the officer did not know what the liquid was and had a moment of concern.”

Evans ran off and the officer chased after him and found him hiding behind gates in Bridge Street.

He refused to comply with instructions to get on the floor and the officer, who had used his handcuffs in the original arrest, had to use his pepper spray.

“There was a prolonged struggle and at one stage the defendant got the officer in a headlock,” said Miss Forrest.

“The officer used several strikes in an attempt to gain control.

“He eventually managed to get him on the floor and a second officer arrived and handcuffed the defendant.”

Gareth Price, defending, said his client was at a loss as to why he decided to throw a cup of beer at the officer.

“The other man, who was being dealt with, was nothing to do with my client, he didn’t know him at all,” said Mr Price.

He said it was accepted his client’s previous convictions for violence aggravated the situation.