Hundreds of school pupils took park in a spectacular 'colour dash' in Rawtenstall as the school year came to an end.

Year 7 high school students joined  and Year 6 primary school pupils for the event in Marl Pits organised by Rossendale School Sports Partnership.

The event was attended by around 300  pupils from 16 schools and more than 30 sports leaders.

After throwing paint sachets in the air and dancing around to music, the runners headed off on a course when they encountered several stations when Sports Leaders sprinkled them with even more paint.

Amelia, 11, from St Veronica’s said: “It was good because I liked all the colours. This is my last year in primary school and it was is a lovely way to end it. I am looking forward to starting All Saints with my friends.”

Pupil Support Worker Michael Hepworth attended with Ted Sweeney, 15, who said:  “It was such fun, I loved it.”

Michael said: “It was really inclusive and the course was really good. I didn’t know how Ted would react to it, but it was really good, especially for the younger children.”

Sports leaders from The Valley Leadership Academy volunteers and led the dance session before the paint packets were opened.

Pupils from 16 schools across Rossendale took part

Sixteen-year-old Davina Neill, said: “I have finished at school and will be starting A levels at a private boarding school - the City of London Freemens School, I got a scholarship.

“This event is lots of fun and it is exciting for the pupils. I think it is a really great way to finish the school year. I will be coming back home at half-term and I will then be working with Mr Bibby to deliver sporting day camps in the holidays.”

Karin Kolbuc, a teacher from Bacup and Rawtenstall Grammar School finished the course covered head to toe in paint.

She said: “The event was a colourful way for Year 6 to mark the end of their primary years and for Year 7s to celebrate their year-end with a fun opportunity.”