Residents in Blackburn have spoken out against fly-tippers who are making their neighbourhood a dumping ground.

An alleyway in front of a row of garages behind Whalley Old Road in Little Harwood is littered with mountains of rubbish.

Bin bags and household building material are strewn across the area blocking garages and dumped behind people’s gardens.

One householder said people living on the street felt 'abandoned'.

He said: “The back alley has now become a dumping ground

“People are throwing more rubbish than I’ve ever seen in my life.

“It has been going on for months now. I can’t even have a barbecue or look out my window. It is horrible. It is pure toxic waste and rat-infested.

“It is not a good sight to look out of the window.

“We used to have children playing here and also held community barbeques and events. Nobody wants to come out of their homes anymore.

“The people who have garages can’t even use them because of the amount of rubbish here.”

He said he had raised the issue with the local council.

He added: “It is not people who live here who have done this, as everyone kept the area clean. It looks like people from outside.

 “Blackburn and Darwen Council and not doing anything to help. It is time someone spoke out for issues like these.”

He also hit out at local councillors who he claimed 'had not helped'.

The rubbish is strewn across the back alley blocking garages

However, Little Harwood councillor, Tiger Patel who was elected in the ward in May said he was aware of the issues at the site.

He said: “I have been down and had a look and also raised this with the council.

“I have been told it is private land. Even then I think we need to be able to take some action and stop this from happening.

“A gate is needed which would block access to the alleyway except for residents.

“I think we need to find a way to clear this as it is very unsightly.

“It is unfair to ask the residents to clear this up as they have kept it clean in the past.”

Blackburn with Darwen Council were approached for comment.