A man who followed his ex-partner into a hotel and hit her has been described as a “menace” by a judge.

Zafran Saeed was handed a suspended sentence by Judge Sara Dodd in April of this year for offences of battery and witness intimidation.

Saeed, 44, breached that suspended sentence and a restraining order in respect of his former partner on May 24, when he followed her into the Oaks Hotel in Colne Road, Reedley.

A report was made to reception staff a woman had been assaulted by a man in the hotel and police were called.

In the hotel room, police found a woman with her daughter and a close friend, who explained there had been a verbal disagreement with her former partner and he used an open palm to hit her on the nose.

Officers reviewed CCTV footage from the hotel which showed verbal contact between Saeed and his ex-partner, but nothing physical.

Saeed, of Princess Street, Nelson, has four previous convictions for five offences, and admitted to the breaches.

Lewis Bocking said his client’s primary mitigation was his early guilty plea and that he showed “genuine remorse.”

He said: “He is apologetic for taking up yet more of the court’s time only a couple of months after the court gave him a second chance.”

Mr Bocking also said there was a “great deal of shame and embarrassment” for Saeed.

Judge Dodd, sentencing, said: “On May 24, you breached an order I imposed on April 17.

"That order should have prevented you from having contact with [your ex-partner].

“Despite her no longer living in this area, you somehow knew she was at a local hotel. I find that very disturbing.

“I told you on April 17 that I would reserve all breaches to myself and that I would activate the suspended sentence upon your first breach.

“I have considered that you are a menace to women you are in a relationship with.

“I gave you the chance of rehabilitation in the community and you spurned it.”

Saeed was sentenced to one year in prison.