A beloved pet which was attacked by a 'brutal and vicious animal' in Padiham last weekend now needs major surgery after 'escaping death'.

On Saturday, July 6, toy poodle Buddy was allegedly attacked by a 'large bull type dog' outside The Taproom on Burnley Road.

Buddy's owner, Ella Johnson, said the attacking dog 'seemed trained to fight', and 'purely wanted to kill another animal'. 

Her dog suffered serious injuries, photos of which the Lancashire Telegraph has chosen not to share due to their distressing and graphic nature.

Ella said: "It might sound over the top that the dog wanted to kill Buddy, but that’s exactly what happened.

"My mum and her partner had just been dropped off by a local taxi and were entering the bar before going to watch the England game with friends, but they never made it.

"This vicious dog was walking along with a person who later claimed he had nothing to do with the animal.

"Just as my mum asked if he was OK with other dogs, this brutal and vicious animal launched itself at Buddy and mauled him.

"If it wasn’t for my mum's quick thinking to lift him up, and her partner's dogged action to pull, wrestle and generally fight this dog off, he would be dead.

"This unsavoury episode lasted for five minutes and was a vicious and unprovoked attack.

"The attacking dog made four or five attempts to kill Buddy after being pulled off."

The dog which it is alleged attacked Buddy  (Image: Ella Johnson)

Both Ella's mum and her partner suffered hand injuries and mental distress trying to fend the dog off and protect Buddy.

Ella's mum Kelly will not be able to work for weeks with her injuries, as she does admin for the NHS, and is unable to use her fingers to type due to the bandages.

Ella continued: "These dogs should be banned.

"Buddy is a much-loved family friend and is currently undergoing reconstructive surgery to his rear end which has been torn apart leaving him with life-changing injuries.

"As for the other dog, it was allowed to go home with its owner by the police, who escorted it.

"It also tried to attack another small dog on its way home as well as us finding out it has previously attacked other dogs."

Ella had not taken out pet insurance for Buddy due to previous and underlying illness early in his life.

She has set up a GoFundMe to raise £4,000 for Buddy's surgery, with £550 currently raised in just under 24 hours.

Ella added: "The owner of the dog wants to contribute, so this is why we are setting up the GoFundMe.

"I know it’s a lot to ask to for other people to contribute as times are demanding, but any contributions to Buddy's medical care would be gratefully appreciated."

Lancashire Police has been contacted for comment.