A school girl in Darwen is celebrating after achieving a 100 per cent attendance record from Reception to Year 6.

Mia Tomlinson, 11, from Darwen, has had a perfect record of attendance for seven years during her time at Darwen St Peter's Church of England Primary School in Turncroft Road.

Her mother, Kassie Tomlinson, said the only time her daughter had time off school was at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, when she didn't have a choice but to stay at home with everyone else.

When the pupils were allowed back into school, Mia attended classes with other key worker children as Kassie was working in a care home at that time. 

Kassie said: "Mia loves school. Even if she is a bit poorly, she still pushes herself to go as she said she doesn't like getting behind and having to do catch up. 

"She's very shy and tries her best in everything she does. She also has never been late for school either.

"The good thing is St Peters is great and she loves going to school which 100 per cent attendance has helped too. 

"We do not push Mia to go to school, we just encourage her and due to her not wanting to be behind she wants to go." 

(Image: Kassie Tomlinson)

Mia will be attending Darwen Aldridge Academy for secondary school and is planning on taking her attendance dedication on with her.

Kassie continued: "We always take Mia on holiday in the school holidays so she doesn't miss any education.

"She has a little brother and he has been off school two days with being poorly, so it's not like we force Mia, she just tries to be brave and strong and power through things. 

"For appointments, we wait for after school or holidays as much as we can. I think only once I've had to pick her up near to end of the day for a dentist appointment. 

"Myself, Mia, her father Martin and little brother Tommy are over the moon and hope she takes this achievement through to high school.

"She is such a shy girl and I'm hoping this praise will boost her confidence."

Susannah Burgess, headteacher at Darwen St Peter's, said: "Congratulations Mia from all of the staff and governors at the school for this incredible achievement!

"Your perfect attendance record is a testament to your dedication, resilience, and commitment to your learning.

"This remarkable milestone not only highlights your personal determination but also serves as an inspiration to your peers and our entire school community.

"Here's to celebrating your hard work and wishing you continued success as you move on to high school! Keep shining brightly!"