Ex-MPs in East Lancashire have shared their reactions after all six lost their seats in the general election.

Conservatives Rossendale and Darwen's former party chair Sir Jake Berry, Pendle's former health minister Andrew Stephenson, Hyndburn and Burnley backbenchers Sara Britcliffe and Antony Higginbotham, and Ribble Valley veteran and former deputy speaker Nigel Evans all lost their seats in parliament as the Labour swept to a landslide win.

Blackburn also provided one of the shocks of the general election, as Labour's Kate Hollern lost her once safe seat by just 132 votes to pro-Gaza independent Adnan Hussain.

Posting on X about her loss, Mrs Hollern said: "Upon reflection, I am extremely proud of what the Labour group has achieved in Blackburn with my involvement over the last 30 years.

"It has truly been a privilege and an honour to serve the town I love.

"Let us remember that our work is not done. This is not the end, but rather a new beginning."

Speaking after losing in the newly created Pendle and Clitheroe constituency, Andrew Stephenson, said: “During the campaign, lots of residents thanked me for the help I had provided them, but in reality, I have been truly blessed with incredibly dedicated staff who would always go above and beyond to help local people. 

"Most of all can I thank the voters, the tens of thousands who have voted for me in the past four General Elections and in this one, and giving me the opportunity to make a positive difference to our area and our nation.

"It has truly been an honour to serve our area.” 

Sara Britcliffe said: "Sadly, despite so many positive conversations on the doorstep, I wasn’t able to overcome the national swing as much as I needed to. 

"I will remain proud of my record in Hyndburn, the place I have called home all my life.

"Despite what my detractors will undoubtedly say, we have changed the narrative on our home and delivered record investment after it was under-represented for so long.

"The election was so close in the end and I do not feel I could’ve done anymore. We beat all predictions, but alas, we fell up short.

"For now I will take some time off and then think about what comes next."

Jake Berry said: "Representing you has been the honour of my life. 

"Nationally, the Conservative Party must reflect and understand why so many across our great country felt unable to support us.

"I'm looking forward to spending more with with my family for whose love, support and patience I am more grateful than I could ever say."

Defeated Burnley Tory Antony Higginbotham added: "The last four and a half years, serving as your Member of Parliament, has been the privilege of my life.

"So much has been achieved despite the most challenging of times, and that wouldn’t have been the case if it wasn’t for the incredible spirit and resilience of local people and businesses.

"Despite the national polls and losses, I had hoped we could buck the trend locally and I could get over the line to continue serving as your MP. But it wasn’t to be."

Veteran Nigel Evans said he had been "swept away in the political tsunami" and said: "I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you over the past 32 years, and I wish the Ribble Valley well."