A man climbed onto a roof when police went to arrest him for another matter.

Blackburn magistrates heard that, during the stand-off, a police sergeant was hit by something thrown by John Foreman.

Julia Draper, prosecuting, said they claimed it was a brick that hit the officer but David Lawson, defending, said his client pleaded guilty on the basis it had been a key fob.

Foreman, 35, of North Valley Road, Colne, pleaded guilty on a basis to assaulting a police officer and guilty to possession of cannabis.

He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report. The prosecution said they would view bodyworn camera footage and try to establish whether the basis of plea could be accepted.

Miss Draper said Foreman was wanted on other matters but when police went to arrest him he climbed onto a roof and there was a stand-off.

An officer was hit with something thrown by the defendant.

"The prosecution say it was a brick and the defence say it was a key fob," said Miss Draper. "We would like to investigate whether the defence basis of plea is acceptable."

Miss Draper said Foreman had been recalled on prison licence and was not due to be released until May 2025.