A borough council has won an appeal which will see a bridleway that was illegally altered return to its original state.

Following a complaint in January 2023, planning enforcement officers at Rossendale Borough Council conducted an initial investigation which revealed unauthorised work had taken place to widen the bridleway on Helmshore Road, Haslingden.

The work also included the removal of hedgerows and trees and the excavation of a ditch to the path leading down to Irwell Vale.

A temporary stop notice was issued on January 30 of last year to prevent any further works, but the developments continued.

The bridleway on Helmshore Road, HaslingdenThe bridleway on Helmshore Road, Haslingden (Image: Rossendale Borough Council)

An enforcement notice was then served in March 2023 in response to the breach of planning regulations, requesting the route be reinstated to its original form, including the removal of imported materials, re-creation of grassland, and plating of hedgerows and trees.

The offenders appealed the notice, contesting the council’s findings and enforcement action.

Following the collation of evidence submitted in June 2023, the appeal was investigated by the Planning Inspectorate.

The bridleway must now be returned to its original stateThe bridleway must now be returned to its original state (Image: Rossendale Borough Council)

A site visit was carried out in May, and a decision was issued on June 10 which upheld the enforcement notice, with an amend to provide the offenders with a six-month compliance period rather than the initial three months.

Gareth Walker, senior planning enforcement officer at the borough council, said: “We are delighted with the Planning Inspectorate’s decision to uphold our enforcement notice.

“The outcome reaffirms our commitment to enforcing planning regulations and our legal rights to protect Rossendale’s community from unauthorised developments that could have long-term impacts.”