A DRIVER, stopped because the vehicle she was in had police intelligence it was involved in drug dealing, tested positive for cocaine.

Blackburn magistrates heard the car was a mobility vehicle and the driver, Lois Broadley, cared for the registered keeper.

Broadley, 42, of Bolland Prospect, Clitheroe, admitted to driving while over the limit for cocaine and a derivative. She was fined £80 with £85 costs and banned from driving for 12 months.

Victoria Forrest, prosecuting, said the vehicle had been circulated as being linked to drug supply.

“Police saw it pulling into a petrol station and approached,” said Miss Forrest. “Due to the defendant’s demeanour a roadside drug swipe was carried out and that was positive.”

Phillip Turner, defending, said the car belonged to someone the defendant cared for and was a Motability vehicle.

“I have no idea how it came to be linked to drug supply,” said Mr Turner. “The gentleman in question only recently got the vehicle.”

Mr Turner said his client had no previous convictions.