A MEMBER of the public was so concerned about the standard of driving of another motorist that he called police.

Blackburn magistrates heard Lindsay Barry was arrested for drink driving and an evidential sample eventually showed she was four times the legal drink-drive limit.

Barry, 47, of Kay Gardens, Burnley, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. She was given a 12-week suspended prison term and ordered to complete 90 days alcohol abstinence monitoring and a five-day rehab activity days. Barry was banned from driving for 32 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

Nasima Patel, prosecuting, said the witness became concerned by the defendant’s driving after seeing her leave the M65 at junction nine near Hapton.

John Rusius, defending, said the attention of the other motorist was drawn to his client because she was travelling too slowly rather than anything else.