A MAN breached a non-molestation order just three weeks after it had been made.

Blackburn magistrates heard Adam Caddens phoned his ex-partner and made various threats of violence towards her.

Caddens, 30, of New Chapel Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to breach of a non-molestation order. He was remanded in custody for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Victoria Forrest, prosecuting, said the victim answered a phone call from an unknown number and immediately recognised the defendant’s voice. He told her to watch what was coming and said she would be found dead.

“She used an emergency pendant to summon the police,” said Miss Forrest. “She thought he was going to attend at her address and was distressed and shocked by the content of the phone call.”

Jonathan Taylor, defending, said his client knew he shouldn’t have made contact.

“He says she had contacted him asking if he had tried to contact her which he hadn’t,” said Mr Taylor. "That festered on his mind and later on he made this call and said some very unpleasant things. He was clearly intoxicated when he made the call which was recorded.”