Lancashire Telegraph readers have had their say on new speed cameras which can see inside your car.

More than 100 ultra-advanced cameras are being tested on UK roads.

The Jenoptik VECTOR-SR cameras can record speed violations on either side of the road, and detect whether you're driving without a seatbelt or on your phone.

This adds to the existing network of around 7,000 cameras in the UK that resulted in the prosecution of 245,043 people in 2022, the highest number since records began.

These new devices also carry out their work without emitting a flash - possibly making it harder for drivers to know if they've been caught.

As reactions flooded in online via Facebook, with 1,500 comments on the post, many users voiced concerns regarding privacy and advised the additional revenue generated could be better used.

Karl Davies said: "Zero issue with them cracking down on people using phones while driving, but do question what the extra revenue will be used for.

"Certainly not fixing the condition of the roads".

Feeling similarly, Kevin Chapman said: "They have no money for old people's groups or youth centres but they have for these!

"What a joke, all the wrong priorities.

"Stealth, not safety."

READ MORE: New 'ultra speed camera' can see inside driver's vehicles 

The question of privacy infringement was another key factor for many.

Berwick Smith wasn't pleased, labeling it an "Invasion of privacy," while Anthony Forgione said: "Why the need to see inside?"

In contrast, those favouring the enforcement of more secure driving practices welcomed the development.

Aaron Langan said: "I drive up to 200 miles a day all over the country, five days a week, so in 20 years that’s a million miles and I am yet to obtain my first speeding ticket.

"I see 30, I drive up to 30.

"I see 50, I drive up to 50.

"I don’t understand how this is a difficult procedure?"

Jane Roebuck added: "Good, stop them driving distracted, you will all think differently if it saves your family."

Louise Thomas, a motor insurance expert at, said: "Ultra speed cameras are a big advance in comparison to the standard speed camera which many drivers are used to.

"Not only will these cameras be able to detect drivers speeding on either side of the road, but they're also able to see inside driver's vehicles too."