A woman who worked as a nurse for 46 years, and with the home team at Pendleside Hospice for 16 years, is now retiring.

Linda Short, from Colne, said she was 'thankful for the support' she received seven years ago when her late husband NicK received Hospice at Home care.

Linda said: "My colleagues were so supportive during this time. I was on the receiving end of what our families face daily, and I am so thankful for their support.

"It's been such a privilege to work at Pendleside.

"Being able to help people during the most difficult time of their lives is very rewarding, and I'll miss seeing our patients everyday. I will also miss my colleagues, but I'm sure they'll be seeing me again before long!

"I have a holiday coming up in the Norwegian Fjords, which I'm very excited for, plus my husband, Ian and I, will be continuing to support the Pendle Hippodrome during our retirement."

A spokesperson for Pendleside Hospice on Colne Road said: "After 16 wonderful years working in the Hospice at Home team at Pendleside, we'd like to wish Linda Phillips a happy retirement!

"Linda, pictured third from the right, is retiring in her 46th year of being a nurse, having been employed as a District Nurse prior to arriving at the Hospice.

"Wishing you all the best, Linda!"

Pendleside Hospice exists to promote and enhance quality of life for people with life-limiting illnesses, their families and carers, by delivering specialist and holistic palliative care, which addresses their individually assessed physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.

Their care is 'planned and continually monitored to ensure appropriateness as needs may change', and is free of charge.