An Oswaldtwistle man has been convicted of a series of historic sexual offences against five children.

On Thursday, a jury at Preston Crown Court found 57-year-old Peter Alan Barnes guilty of 43 sexual offences against the children and one woman. He admitted to a further offence against a second adult victim before the trial started.

The offences spanned four decades and Barnes’s youngest victim was just nine-years-old, when she was sexually assaulted and raped.

He sexually assaulted his second victim when she was aged between 12 and 13, whilst the third victim was an adult when Barnes indecently assaulted her.

Barnes’s fourth victim was 15 when he raped and sexually assaulted her. The fifth victim was 15 when Barnes sexually assaulted her whilst the sixth victim was 12.

The seventh victim was in her early 20s when Barnes attempted to rape and sexually assault her.

Barnes was charged in relation to four of his victims in April 2023 and remanded to custody. While he was awaiting trial three further victims came forward.

Following yesterday’s verdicts Barnes, of Central Avenue, Oswaldtwistle, was remanded back into custody to be sentenced on July 5. He was ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life.

DC Hazel Richardson, from the East Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Team, said: “Barnes is a predatory individual who deliberately prayed on vulnerable children and adults for his own perverted sexual interests.

“These victims have suffered significant life changing trauma after what Barnes did to them, which has affected their physical and mental wellbeing into adult life.

“They have shown incredible bravery in firstly coming forward and then reliving their ordeals by giving evidence in court. Rightly, the jury saw through Barnes’s web of lies and have made him accountable for his abhorrent behaviour.

“I hope the outcome of this case will encourage other victims to come forward, knowing they will be believed, listened to and that we will do everything in our power to put the perpetrator before the courts.”

If you or somebody you know has been the victim of a sexual offence, report it online via or call 101.