Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the best way to easy community tensions caused by the Gaza conflict was for the government to ensure aid gets into the Palestinian territory and press for a ceasefire.

He was speaking on a visit to Rolls Royce's Bankfield site in Barnoldswick with health minister and Tory candidate in Pendle & Clitheroe, Andrew Stephenson.

Baron Cameron of Chipping Norton was quizzed on the Hamas/Israeli war and its resulting fallout in East Lancashire, which has seen dozens of councillors quit Labour over the party and the government's stance on the conflict.

In Pendle, every Labour councillor quit the party over its party's supposed inaction on the issue.

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He said: "I think what really matters is demonstrating that we are doing everything we can to help people in Gaza.

David Cameron examines a fan blade at Rolls Royce with engineering chief David PeaseDavid Cameron examines a fan blade at Rolls Royce with engineering chief David Pease

"We need to make sure the aid gets in; that there's proper de-confliction so that aid workers can move around Gaza safely, and we get the shelter the food the medicine and the fuel that's needed to improve the quality of life of people.

"I think that that's the best thing we can do and to demonstrate to people in this country of all communities that Britain is playing its part as an aid and development superpower, which we are, to help people in their time of need.

"I think that's the most important thing we can do because people pay their taxes and they want to know that the money is put to good use when it comes to aid and development.

"Obviously at the same time, we're trying to help deliver this stop in the fighting that can lead to a proper peace process without any return to violence.

"We're working hard for that. We've got to keep going and get the aid in in the meantime."

On what he could do to save the Conservative seats in East Lancashire - including Mr Stephenson's, Lord Cameron said: "I don't do predictions.

Baron Cameron was supporting Andrew Stephenson, right, in his bid to win Pendle & ClitheroeBaron Cameron was supporting Andrew Stephenson, right, in his bid to win Pendle & Clitheroe

"I'm not a commentator or a pollster or a pundit. I am a participant.

"I'm a fully signed up member of 'Team Rishi' and the Conservatives and I want to help Andrew Stephenson here in Pendle because he's a brilliant MP.

"And it's particularly good to be in this Rolls Royce factory because part of my job is to help sell Airbus aircraft, Joint Strike Fighters, Eurofighter Typhoons, and A400Ms all over the world with Rolls Royce engines in.

"So it's really meaningful for me to come here and meet the apprentices who are getting first-class well-paid jobs and brilliant training to make the parts of the famous Rolls Royce engines that I'm helping to sell."