A school in East Lancashire has recently received a progress report after being assessed as 'Inadequate' by Ofsted last year.

Benjamin Hargreaves Voluntary Aided Church of England Primary School, in Barnfield Street, Accrington, was rated inadequate by inspectors in May 2023.

Ofsted inspectors returned recently for a monitoring visit to see what progress has been made in turning the school around.

The inspector's report said: "Leaders have made progress to improve the school, but more work is necessary for the school to be no longer judged as requiring special measures.

"Following the previous inspection, the substantive headteacher left the school and an interim headteacher was appointed. A number of teachers also left the school.

"The most pressing issues, such as keeping pupils safe, have received due attention. This has led to marked improvements in some aspects of the school’s provision. Even so, the road to recovery has not been smooth or easy."

Inspectors found work being done to improve the school have had some success so far, and highlighted the far better safeguarding procedures.

The report continued: "The school’s work to ensure that pupils are protected from harm has been successful. Consequently, safeguarding is now effective.

"Training for staff, and the well-understood procedures for reporting concerns, mean that pupils at risk of harm are spotted quickly and supported appropriately. Most pupils said that they feel safe.

"They trust adults to listen to, and act on, their concerns. The school has raised its expectations of pupils’ behaviour.

"Staff are well supported to manage behaviour by a refreshed system that is followed consistently well."

Benjamin Hargreaves Primary VA CE School has been contacted for comment.