A packed-out venue greeted Adnan Hussain as the Independent candidate aimed to galvanise his campaign.

Organisers said the strength of support for Mr Hussain ahead of the upcoming general election would show he is the only ‘real alternative’ to Labour’s Kate Hollern.

In recent weeks, supporters and Adnan Hussain have spent time responding to claims and counter-claims being made by the Workers Party candidate, Craig Murray.

It came as Tiger Patel this week stepped down as a candidate for the election, urging supporters to support Mr Murray.

At the meeting on Sunday evening, held at Bangor Street Community Centre, 4BwD Group councillors joined supporters with the aim of highlighting how much backing Adnan had within the local community.

Speaking on the day, councillors Salim Sidat and Mustafa Desai urged people to share the message with family and friends and commended Mr Hussain for leading the Independent campaign, despite outside pressures.

An emotional Adnan, who held back tears at times, spoke of how he wanted to make ‘real change’.

There was little mention of opposition candidates with the focus of sharing the message of unity and ‘bringing all communities together’.

Speaking on the day he said: “I am standing here on the back of Gaza.

“What we are saying is that enough is enough.”

He said there was a common plight of people in different parts of the town who felt ‘disillusioned’.

He said: “As a community, we lack representation. Our issues here in Bastwell are the same as in Mill Hill. We feel we have become disillusioned with the mainstream parties.

“We feel that our government must not meddle in and must not interfere in countries which ultimately will blow up in our faces.

“We must not interfere in wars that have nothing to do with us. We must not fund wars when we can’t afford to build a school.

“What we are saying is the same as what our brothers and sisters in Mill Hill and Shadsworth are saying.

“We are saying that the people of Britain come first. If we can’t be the peacemakers then we must concentrate on our people.”

(Image: Nq) Adnan Hussain speaking at to the audience

He also revealed he had been to see minority communities in the town, detailing a meeting with the Kurdish community who told him it was the first time anyone had reached out to them.

Attendees had selfies and pictures taken with Adnan and were keen to show their support for the Independent candidate who has attracted more people to local events than any other candidate in recent weeks.

One supporter, Tariq, said: “There is no way any other local candidate has been able to have so many people turn out to support him.

“The other Independents don’t attract these types of numbers. We know this so this is a two-horse race. All you have to do is walk around Blackburn and speak to people."

(Image: Nq)  Shear Brow and Corporation Brow Councillor Salma Patel speaking 

He also revealed he had been to see minority communities in the town, detailing a meeting with the Kurdish community who told him it was the first time anyone had reached out to them.

Attendees had selfies and pictures taken with Adnan and were keen to show their support for the Independent candidate who has attracted more people to local events than any other candidate in recent weeks.

One supporter, Tariq said: “There is no way any other local candidate has been able to have so many people turn out to support him.

“The other Independents don’t attract these types of numbers. We know this so this is a two-horse race. All you have to do is walk around Blackburn and speak to people."

The full list of candidates is: Kate Hollern – Labour Party; Adnan Hussain - Independent; Jamie McGowan - Conservative Party; Denise Morgan - Green Party; Craig Murray – Workers Party of Britain; Natasha Shah - Independent; Tommy Temperley – Reform UK; Adam Waller-Slack – Liberal Democrats.

Altaf 'Tiger' Patel – Independent has withdrawn from the election.