A Blackburn man gave his family whiplash when he purposely crashed his vehicle into their car after arguing with his wife.

On Thursday, April 11, Tanveer Shahzad and his wife Layla had been having relationship difficulties that resulted in arguments between the two.

Preston Crown Court heard how Layla had got into a car with her brother and brother-in-laws to purchase some baby milk from the local ASDA supermarket for her child with Shahzad.

That night, Laila noticed Shahzad, 33, tailgating their vehicle in a car that belonged to her on Brookhouse Lane, Blackburn.

CCTV showed Shahzad, of Thorn Hill Close, Blackburn, overtaking his wife and her family, and then proceeding to "slam on his brakes and then reverse back" into their car, causing significant damage to the driver's side.

Shahzad then got out of the car and threatened the driver of the other vehicle with a "long red pole".

His wife suffered concussion, whiplash and stress from the incident, and told the court in a statement that her family were anxious about Shahzad venturing onto their property, installing cameras to ensure he doesn't return.

She said: "I wish he reflects on his reckless behaviour and seeks help for his issues in the future."

In mitigation for Shahzad, Clare Thomas told the court he is of previous good character with no previous convictions.

She said: "This is an isolated incident and out of character for Shahzad.

"He has found this whole ordeal a difficult experience and has a different view of the matter now. 

"He takes responsibility for his actions and he is sorry."

Shahzad, who used an Urdu interpreter at court, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving without insurance, driving without a licence and possession of an offensive weapon in a public place.

Mr Recorder Neil Owen Casey sentenced Shahzad to 16 months imprisonment.

He said: "You followed your wife in her own car after an argument between you both.

"I have seen the CTTV footage and it shows your deliberate decision to fall closely to the vehicle she was in.

"You slammed on the brakes making it impossible for the other driver to avoid a collision. As a result of your behaviour, she suffered from whiplash injuries and stress for everyone who was in that car.

"You threatened your brother-in-law with a pole, and her family are still fearful of you, forcing them to take measures to make them feel safe because of your behaviour."

Shahzad was also disqualified from driving for 20 months and will have to take and extended re-test.