Councillors have approved changes to a Darwen car park.

Blackburn with Darwen Council planning committee granted permission on Thursday to the Lorne Street car park.

The changes to the layout on the local authority owned land are to improve access and parking arrangements.

They include an amended layout to the existing parking arrangements to accommodate one disabled parking bay plus 18 car parking spaces (19. in total) with clearly marked parking bays.

Associated landscaping beds will include shrub and tree planting with wildflowers. To secure the area, 750 millimetre tall steel trip rail style fencing is proposed with six lockable or removable bollards in total, three at each entrance/exit.

A report to the meeting by planning manager Gavin Prescott said: "The application site forms part of an existing council-owned car park, accessed from Lorne Street (a cul-de-sac off Blackburn Road in Darwen).

"The car park is used by local residents and surrounding businesses.

"The proposal by Ritherdon & Company Limited would provide secure parking for a local business, whilst retaining parking for other local businesses and residents.

"From a visual amenity perspective, the car park would be an improvement on the existing situation, with formalised spaces, secure parking, and new landscaping introduced."