A man launched a brutal attack on his estranged wife after turning up on her doorstep uninvited.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Akbar Ullah repeatedly punched and kicked the victim who suffered injuries to her ribs and back on February 16, 2023.

In a statement, she said she couldn't go to work and had to sleep sitting up because the pain was so bad.

She also had many sleepless nights because of anxiety following the assault.

Ullah, 46, of Arley Gardens, Burnley, originally pleaded not guilty to assault by beating but changed his plea on the day of trial when the witnesses turned up at court.

He was jailed for 23 weeks and made subject to a three-year restraining order which prohibits any contact with the victim.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said the delay in the matter being sentenced was due to Ullah pleading not guilty.

"After assaulting your wife you put her through the stress of attending court to give evidence against you," said District Judge Preston.

"It was only when the witnesses turned up that you changed your plea.

"The assault was a brutal one. You repeatedly went at her with your fists and feet and during the assault verbally abused her."

District Judge Preston said the assault had been witnessed by the couple's daughter.

"She saw you kick her mother, who was lying on the floor, with some force in the stomach," said District Judge Preston.

"The effects on her have been considerable both physically and mentally and I don't accept your remorse is genuine."

Victoria Forrest, prosecuting, said the couple had been separated for two years at the time of the assault.

She was at home with her two children when her son told her the defendant was at the door.

When she went to the door she was on the phone and the defendant was walking away when she mentioned his name to the person she was talking to.

"He turned around and ran at her," said Miss Forrest. "He grabbed her and threw her against a wall and her hair fell down across her face.

"She couldn't see what was happening but felt a blow to her ribs and fell to the floor.

"She tried to get up but was struck repeatedly. She didn't know if they were kicks or punches."

Miss Forrest said the assault only stopped when the couple's daughter came out and shouted at her father to stop.

Nick Dearing, defending, said the incident had been 16 months ago and there had been no further offences since.

"There appears to be genuine remorse for his behaviour," said Mr Dearing. "I hope you can draw back from immediate custody and suspend the sentence."