Pendle Borough Council says it has now taken up ownership of Pendle Rise Shopping Centre in Nelson.

The council bought the dated 1960s centre as part of its plans to revitalise the town.
Chief executive of Pendle Borough Council, Rose Rouse said: “We’re delighted we now own Pendle Rise – it’s key to our redevelopment of Nelson town centre.

“This means we can radically improve the town with high-quality architecture and landscape design.

“Along with a much stronger retail offer for Pendle people, it will provide a great place for our community to meet.”

Transforming the town centre aims to see high-profile and long-term vacant and under-used buildings brought back into use for commercial purposes.

Pendle Borough Council’s Director of Place, Phillip Spurr said: “The vision to re-develop Pendle Rise Shopping Centre site stems from extensive public consultation carried out as part of the Nelson masterplan.

“Most people who gave their views wanted to see Pendle Rise tackled as a priority.”
The council has appointed Beddows to run the centre pending demolition and the council will be helping its tenants to relocate to new premises in the town.

Phillip added: “We know that this may be a worrying time for tenants, but we will work closely with everyone to minimise uncertainty and disruption.”

Pendle Rise Shopping Centre was bought using Nelson Town Deal funding.

Planning consent was granted in 2023. Plans include developing a major new food store, nine modern retail units with attractive frontages, car parking and landscaping.