MUSEUM bosses have planned a 'People's Party' tomorrow as part of celebrations to mark their 150th birthday.

And those turning up for the festivities at Blackburn Museum and Art Gallery will get the chance to capture their own unique 'selfie'.

Photographic experts from Obscura Darkroom will be using a 70-year-old large format camera to create analogue 'auto-portraits' between noon and 3pm.

A museum spokesman said: "These portraits will be displayed on an expanding photo wall throughout June.

"At the end of the exhibition, participants can collect their original portraits from the museum."

Those taking part in the project will learn all about the photographic process, as a series of 4x5 paper negatives are produced.

And alongside that, printmaker Ian Halawi will be demonstrating an historic production method dating back to the museum's foundation years.

He has created a relief print inspired by the historic venue and will be working with an 1875 Columbian Printing Press to give visitors a taste of the Victorian techniques employed.

Elsewhere people can book on the museum's website for an Arabic calligraphy workshop with Farzana Patel or take part in screen printing, tote-bag manufacture, badge-making and crafts.

Museum officials say there will also be a performance by Blackburn People's Choir between 1pm and 2pm.

To celebrate the landmark anniversary the museum has been engaged in several activities, including the production of a 150th anniversary video, a special installation by Jamie Holman and exhibitions. Council bosses also extended the museum's opening hours.