The controversial enlargement of a Blackburn bungalow will go ahead despite a neighbour's plea to councillors to block it.

Muhammad Asif Jamil has been planning permission to raised the roof of his Cranshaw Drive, Roe Lee, home by approximately 1.2 metres and add dormers to create additional living space.

The approval was given by Blackburn with Darwen planning committee despite an objection from Kathleen Bennett of nearby Ottershaw Gardens.

Her daughter Tina attended the meeting with Mrs Bennett and addressed the meeting on Thursday.

She said the new dormers would cause 'serious privacy problems' by overlooking her mother's garden and conservatory.

Mrs Bennett said alterations to the scheme agreed to by Mr Jamil during discussions with planning officers were purely 'cosmetic' and did not address the issue.

Pleading for the application to be turned down she added the new dormers would be 'unsightly' and out of keeping with the bungalows in the rest of the road.

The scheme had also generated several other objections.

Borough planning manager Gavin Prescott, who recommended the application for approval, told the meeting: "Amendments have been submitted seeking to address amenity and design concerns.

"All technical issues have been addressed or are capable of being controlled or mitigated by planning conditions.

"Bathroom, WC and landing windows would now face the rear garden, from which no material impact would arise, as none would serve habitable rooms.

"Obscure glazing to the bathroom and WC windows would be secured via conditions.

"Proposed bedroom five would have two windows; one in the side and one in the rear elevation.

"The window in the side elevation is recognised as overlooking the neighbouring rear garden in Cranshaw Drive.

"To overcome the issue, it is agreed with the applicant that the window will be obscure glazed."