A disqualified driver was caught behind the wheel while drunk just three months after he was banned.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard Robert Mulderrig was found to be nearly three times the legal drink-drive limit when stopped in Staghills Road, Waterfoot, on November 19.

Mulderrig, 40, of The Green, Victory Road, Newchurch, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and with excess alcohol.

He was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months with 20 days rehabilitation activity requirement and a 120-day alcohol abstinence requirement.

He was banned from driving for 36 months and ordered to pay £85 costs and a £154 victim surcharge.

The court heard how when police stopped the Ford Fiesta he was driving, a breathalyser test found he had 92 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath, the legal limit being 35mcg.

District Judge Alexandra Preston said Mulderrig had been banned for drink driving in August and the latest offence was committed just two months later.

"On this evening you took your mother's car because you had an argument with your partner," said District Judge Preston.

"That was a lame excuse or reason and very poor decision making on your part.

"You were almost three times the drink drive limit which clearly affected your ability to drive safely because you caused a collision."

Bill Rawstron, in mitigation, said the pre-sentence report made it clear there were issues that could be challenged within the community.

"He is not drinking at all now and I would ask you to suspend any prison sentence if you feel that is necessary," said Mr Rawstron.