Residents of a sheltered housing complex have objected to proposals to redevelop the remainder of the site at the former Newman Footwear factory.

Russell Heaton has submitted a planning application to build 13 job-creating industrial units on 1.41 acres of land in Garden Street, Bank Top, Blackburn.

He has previously created 30 self-contained light industrial units and another commercial building and two yards on the footprint of the former factory under a planning permission granted in 2018.

Newman’s Footwear stood on the site for more than 80 years.

But the occupants of the nearby Hornby Court have submitted a letter objecting to the scheme.

It was noted at Thursday's meeting of Blackburn with Darwen Council planning and highways committee.

A report to councillors from planning manager Gavin Prescott said: "This is to inform members of the receipt of a letter objecting to a current planning application relating to the erection of industrial unit(s) with storage yard on land at Garden Street, Blackburn.

"The letter received does not contain any signatures, yet it is addressed from the ‘Residents of Hornby Court’.

"No individuals are named on the letter.

"Members are being made aware of its receipt for the purposes of transparency and given the relatively extensive history of complaints for the wider site.

"The comments within the letter make initial reference to the ongoing disruptions caused by the adjacent cement works.

"The letter then raises concerns regarding the potential for those existing issues to be exacerbated by the works that form part of this application.

"Concerns have been raised regarding additional commercial traffic movements and a suggestion is made to use an alternate access point from Dixon Street, which would involve the construction of a bridge over the River Blakewater.

"Concerns in the way of losses of light are also raised in relation to the proposed units.

"Members are advised that assessment of the planning application is ongoing and that all material issues that must be considered in the decision-making process will be addressed."

A supporting statement submitted with the application by Mr Heaton says: "The proposed development would contribute towards building a strong, responsive and competitive economy.

"There would be a number of jobs created within the site."

Borough growth boss Cllr Quesir Mahmood told the meeting that council bosses were aware of the residents' concerns and their worries over the cement works.