Plans to “rejuvenate” the former Standen Estate office in Clitheroe by turning it into two houses have been approved.

The property in Littlemoor Road has been vacant since March 2023 since Ingham and & Yorke left, having been there since 1954.

Trustees of the Standen Settlement applied to Ribble Valley Borough Council in February to change the use of the former offices and said it was an “exciting opportunity to rejuvenate the building” and give it a new lease of life.

The council have now approved the application subject to various conditions, including that all new windows and doors should be constructed of timber.

The former offices are set to become two housesThe former offices are set to become two houses (Image: Sunderland Peacock Architects)

A design statement submitted to the council said: “Whilst the building has the opportunity to be converted into additional units or apartments, the scheme naturally splits into two traditional dwellings.

“Unit 1 introduces a central doorway for the main entrance as well as some additional fenestration alterations which reflect the design aesthetic.

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“To the side and rear, additional openings create a connection to the garden spaces for the units. Externally, the detached garage is removed and fencing is installed to define residential garden spaces with the settlement boundary line and an enhanced external aesthetic.

“The existing materials and external detailing will be retained and enhanced through renovation such as re-roofing, re-pointing, and general making good of the building.

“The proposal will create a visual and material enhancement to the street scene. This will include the retention of the larger ground floor openings as well as the reinstatement of more uniformed openings.

The rear of the buildingThe rear of the building (Image: Sunderland Peacock Architects)

“The impact of the adjacent listed cottages will be low.”

The statement continued by saying the introduction of the new houses will “enhance” the setting.

Work on the site must begin within the three-year expiration period.

Anyone wishing to view the plans in full should visit the council’s planning website.