More than 100 primary pupils had a fun time exploring Marl Pits in Rawtenstall on a scavenger hunt.

Many of the children from the nine primary schools and Belmont School had never taken part in a scavenger hunt before.

It is the third time Rossendale School Sports Partnership has organised the event, which children tasked with finding flowers, seeds, insects and more.

School Games organiser, Nathan Bibby, said: “It was fantastic. I want to say a big thank you to Judith Wood from Pendle Forest Orienteers who set the course and sorted the maps.

“We also had information boards around the course which told the pupils a bit more about the flowers, insects and trees in the area.

“It was all about being outside, looking at what is around you and being active. We are so lucky in Rossendale to be surrounded by greenery.

“I would like to thank all of the schools who took part and gave their children a chance to experience nature.

"Hopefully, when they go home and tell their parents what they have been doing, they will get to do it again.”

Joanna Ennis, a teaching assistant at Britannia Primary School in Bacup, said: “This had been wonderful.

"It has been something different for the children to so and some had never been on a scavenger hunt before. The children found out lots about nature that they didn’t know before.”

Pupils spoke of their excitement at seeing and exploring nature and discovering different species of plants and flowers.