Ahead of July's General Election, the Lancashire Telegraph's local democracy reporter Bill Jacobs examines the campaign in the new Pendle and Clitheroe constituency and wonders whether having held several government positions is a help or hindrance in the current political climate.

As a health minister, Andrew Stephenson cannot be surprised to find that the state of the NHS and public services general have been made the key issue of this General Election campaign in his sprawling new constituency.

Labour's former senior police officer and the Liberal Democrats' NHS consultant are going for his political jugular ahead of the July 4 poll.

With the new Pendle and Clitheroe seat taking in a big chunk of the old Tory stronghold of Ribble Valley, Mr Stephenson might feel a little safer than his 2019 majority of 6,168 in the more historically marginal of Pendle might suggest.

But with the opinion polls suggesting a Labour red wave, and the 2023 local election results in the new part of his constituency backing that up, any feelings of comfort there may prove illusory.

Indeed his biggest hope lies in the revolt in Pendle over the handling of the Israel/Hamas conflict, which left Labour without a single councillor after May 2's local elections.

He might also draw some comfort from this month's drop in the inflation rate to the Bank of England's two per cent target, although his opponents are keen to remind voters that the cost of living crisis is far from over.

In all nine candidates make up a crowded field contesting the seat, with on one side of the political argument Reform UK's Victoria Fletcher, and on the other Works Party of Britain's Syed Hashmi and the Green Party's Lex Kristan.

Throw in a pair of Independents and a rare Rejoin EU candidate and it means voters face a long ballot paper.

Andrew StephensonAndrew Stephenson

Mr Stephenson, who was the old Pendle seat's Conservative MP since 2010, said: "During my time as the MP for Pendle I have helped deliver four new school buildings, a new health centre, tens of millions of pounds of investment and helped thousands of residents with individual issues.

"I have a proven track record of delivery and have delivered positive change both locally and nationally.

"If elected I would hope to deliver for all the different Pendle and Ribble Valley towns and villages which come within the new area.

"We need more well-paid jobs and support for small businesses, more investment in our NHS and to protect our countryside from overdevelopment."

Jonathan Hinder is looking to take the seat for LabourJonathan Hinder is looking to take the seat for Labour

Labour's Jonathan Hinder said: "As a former police inspector, I have seen first-hand how the Conservatives have run down our public services, and my policing career has given me a very clear understanding of the real challenges our country faces.

"Our treasured NHS is in a desperate state, social care is in permanent crisis, and our local public transport is an embarrassment.

"This is my home seat, where I live and grew up."

Anna Fryer is the Lib Dem candidateAnna Fryer is the Lib Dem candidate

Liberal Democrat Anna Fryer said: "I am asking residents to vote for me and back my campaign to be able to "see a doctor ".

“The NHS is on its knee’s and it is so difficult to access healthcare.

"Families and businesses are struggling with the cost-of-living crisis and the soaring inflation caused by the Conservatives.

"Our environment is being polluted by large companies who profit from the damage they cause and the government is doing nothing to stop it.

"A vote for the Liberal Democrats will be a vote for a champion of the NHS."

Can Victoria Fletcher get elected for Reform?Can Victoria Fletcher get elected for Reform?

Ms Fletcher's message is simple and straightforward: "Britain is Broken. Britain needs Reform."

Zulfi Khan is running as an IndependentZulfi Khan is running as an Independent

Independent Zulfi Khan said "My key issues are tackling the cost of living crisis, more investment in public services, economic growth for the local area, safer neighbourhoods, and support for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and a two-state solution.

"I am local to the constituency. I am not a career politician.

"I feel strongly about bringing the community together given that we have more in common than that which divides us."

Lex Kristan is the Green Party hopefulLex Kristan is the Green Party hopeful

The Greens' Ms Kristan said: "The biggest issues facing people in the constituency are the cost of living for many on low wages and high levels of poverty especially of children; shortage of affordable houses to rent or buy; fear of being made homeless; failure to access NHS care with a long waiting list to be treated; lack of social care homes with enough staff, which is creating bed blocking in hospital; and poorly connected rail and bus transport accessible to people on low incomes and young people in isolated rural areas.

"By investing in green jobs and public services, which will reduce the cost of living and increase the incomes of citizens, the Green Party intends to tackle these issues."

Christopher Thompson wants to reverse BrexitChristopher Thompson wants to reverse Brexit

Rejoin EU's Christopher Thompson said: "As a lifelong resident of Pendle, I cherish our community's beauty and potential.

"I am running with the Rejoin EU Party to restore the UK's EU rights and freedoms, which I believe are essential for accessing the European job market, supporting local businesses, reducing travel chaos, and improving our international standing."

Syed Hashmi is running for the Workers PartySyed Hashmi is running for the Workers Party

Mr Hashmi said: "The good citizens of Britain deserve better than the constant failures that the ruling duopoly offer them.

"Of particular concern is that there is no voice representing the working classes any longer. The Labour Party has under Keir Starmer abandoned its traditional positions

"As well as holding a diabolical position to the point of becoming complicit in the unfolding genocide in Gaza, they have no clear stance on local council tax issues nor a solution to the NHS crisis."

Independent Tony JohnsonIndependent Tony Johnson

Independent Tony Johnson said: "I am a true Conservative, not a Tory.

"I firmly believe we need independent voices in Parliament.

"We should withdraw from the sham that is the European Court for Human Rights and stop funding wars and overseas aid with the billions of pounds we need."

Being part of the government in one form or another since 2017 under four different Prime Ministers may be good for a politician's bank balance and ego, but when voters decide it is time for a change that ministerial longevity becomes a potentially fatal electoral weakness.

Polling aggregator Electoral Calculus is predicting Pendle and Clitheroe will turn red, with Labour having a 78 per cent chance of winning, with Mr Stephenson on 22 per cent.

The full list of candidates is: Victoria Fletcher – Reform UK; Anna Fryer - Liberal Democrats; Syed Hashmi - Workers Party of Britain; Jonathan Hinder – Labour Party; Tony Johnson - Independent; Zulfikar Khan Independent; Lex Kristan - Green Party; Andrew Stephenson – Conservative Party; and Christopher Thompson - Rejoin EU.