A Blackburn businessman says ‘spreading misinformation and engaging in personal attacks’ during elections campaigns was tarnishing the image Blackburn.

Khalid Saifullah said he had been approached by a number of people from all sides of the political spectrum in recent weeks as the election battle descended ‘into a farce’.

Campaigners in some areas have resorted to sharing fake videos and even challenging people in places of worship, simply to score political points. There have also been street rows.

He called on all sides to remember that once the election is over, many will still continue to work together for the betterment of the town. His words were echoed by others in the community.

He said: “In recent times, our community has witnessed an unfortunate surge in misinformation, personal abuse, and character assassinations across various platforms.

"This behaviour not only tarnishes our political discourse but also undermines the fabric of our town, which is built on mutual respect and understanding.

“As members of various political parties and Independent groups, we all have a responsibility to represent our town with dignity and respect.

"It is crucial to remember that while we may hold differing opinions, our shared goal is to improve our community for everyone.

“I urge all members and supporters to engage in political discourse with respect and civility.

"Personal attacks, slanderous videos, and misleading information have no place in our discussions. Let us rise above petty conflicts and focus on constructive dialogue.”

Mr Saifullah is managing director of Wepa Professional UK, based in Mill Hill, and was made Deputy Lieutenant of Lancashire in 2019.

He said every individual had the ‘right to support and vote for the party of their choice without facing coercion, spiritual influence, family pressure, bullying, or intimidation’. 

He said: “Politics is just one aspect of our lives. Beyond our political affiliations, we are neighbours, friends, and fellow citizens. 

“Let's work together to foster a community where everyone feels valued and heard. By promoting understanding and tolerance, we can create a more inclusive and harmonious environment.

“Together, we can ensure that our town is represented well and that our political engagements reflect the best of our community values. Let's commit to keeping our discourse respectful and our community united.”