The former owner of an Italian restaurant in Padiham has been jailed for more than 14 years after sexually abusing a number of women,

Antonino Seminara, 65, who used to run the former Mamma Mia restaurant, would befriend his victims by buying them gifts before going on to abuse them.

The abuse occurred between 2008 and 2019, and came to light in September 2019 following a report to the police, who commenced an investigation which led to other victims coming forward.

One of the victims described how Seminara would give her money personally, and bought her an iPhone and a Michael Kors handbag.

Seminara, of Whitaker Close, Burnley, would also try and befriend the parents of some of his victims to keep them onside.

He would frequently turn up at one victim’s home with pizza and would make pizza for them to take home, but would throw it in the bin if they told him they were going to their boyfriend’s house.

Allison Mather, prosecuting at Preston Crown Court, described the sexual abuse the victims experienced.

One said he would sexually touch her, which escalated to intercourse over time.

Another victim, said Seminara would message her on WhatsApp, and on one occasion he pushed his groin into her and kissed her.

This victim said matters came to a head when Seminara told her he would put a mattress down in the back of his van to have sex and then grabbed her by the arm and tried to push her in, but she managed to get away.

The next victim said Seminara would make inappropriate comments to her about her body, and he slapped her bottom twice and groped her.

The final victim was the youngest, aged 15 and 16 when she was assaulted.

She said Seminara gave her his Snapchat details and would receive messages from him saying he wanted to kiss her.

She would also send him photographs of her in underwear he bought for her because she felt bullied into doing so.

The first physical contact came when kissed her on two occasions on the same night, and on more than one occasion kissed her on the mouth when they were in his van.

On another occasion, he pulled over and told her to get in the back, where he touched her sexually and threatened to kill her if she told anyone what happened.

The victim also recalled a time when she was slapped by Seminara because she ‘gained attention' from other people.

Ms Mather also read personal statements from the victims to the court.

One said what happened to them had left them feeling “damaged, dirty, and worthless” and that she didn’t tell anyone about what happened because she felt “ashamed.”

Another said their interactions with Seminara had left them “wary” of older men.

The last victim said their life “had been in limbo since it all started” and every time she sees a grey Volkswagen van she gets flashbacks.

Richard English, mitigating, said the effect of the offences on Seminara and those close to him was entirely the defendant’s responsibility and “he bears the blame for that.”

Seminara was convicted of two counts of non-penetrative sexual activity with a girl under the age of 15; six counts of penetrative sexual activity with a girl under the age of 15; and two counts of sexual assault on a female following a trial that concluded earlier this year.

He was acquitted on two other counts of sexual assault.

He continues to deny any wrongdoing.

Judge Richard Archer, sentencing, said: “For many years you were a familiar figure at a restaurant in Padiham – a jovial, hospitable chef at a popular Italian eatery.

“But for many years there was another side to you – a man who took advantage of young women and girls – by causing them to engage in sexual activity with you.

“You have always denied any wrongdoing. You continue to do so. You are not remorseful. You consider yourself blameless.”

Seminara was sentenced to 14 years and six months in prison. He was also given a sexual harm prevention order and will be subject to notification requirements indefinitely.

A restraining order against all the victims, prohibiting him from contacting or attempting to contact them, was also imposed.

DC Matt Bourne, from Burnley CID, said: “Seminara targeted young women when they were vulnerable for his sexual gratification.

“The impact his behaviour has had on all four of them is clearly significant. The harrowing victim impact statements they provided to the court are clear evidence of that.

“While they showed incredible bravery in firstly coming forward and then giving evidence in court, Seminara’s manipulative and deceitful nature was evident from the very start to the end of this investigation.

“I welcome the sentence handed down today and hope it sends out a clear message that if you behave in such an abhorrent way in Lancashire you should expect to go to prison.

“I hope the outcome of this case will encourage other victims to come forward, knowing they will be believed, listened to and that we will do everything in our power to put the perpetrator before the courts.”