As the election race gets into the crunch period, the Lancashire Telegraph's local democracy reporter Bill Jacobs delves into the weird and wonderful world of Hyndburn politics in the bellwether seat.

As Conservative candidate Sara Britcliffe seeks to defend a slim majority of 2,951, she must be hoping Labour's recent splits and selection problems in Hyndburn will offer her a narrow escape route from the national opinion polls.

By all normal calculations, the former 'Baby' of the House of Commons in 2019 should already be a political corpse.

The success of Labour in taking control of Hyndburn Council in May 2's local elections would seem to have been the last rites of her political career.

However, since 2022 Labour in the borough has been beset by splits and controversies - oddly enough not mainly caused by the Gaza conflict.

In March that year its council leader Miles Parkinson sensationally quit the party, citing an unpleasant and bullying culture, and several colleagues followed him out.

Then, earlier this year former MP and Prospective Parliamentary Candidate Graham Jones was suspended by Labour over abusive remarks about Israel at the meeting which led to its Rochdale by-election hopeful Azhar Ali being disowned by leader Sir Keir Starmer, letting the Workers' Party of Britain's George Galloway take the seat.

Mr Jones was then let back into the party but only to see Blackpool councillor Sarah Smith chosen in his stead to fight the highly winnable 'weather vane' seat in a move seen as orchestrated by Labour's high command.

Mr Jones has swallowed his pride and bitterness and been out canvassing for her, but Miss Britcliffe must be hoping that the shenanigans will deter people from voting for Cllr Smith.

But Hyndburn politics being a nest of complex rivalries the Conservative camp has not been without its own funny business.

The former MP's father Peter Britcliffe was mysteriously dropped from the Tory Cabinet just days before May 2's local elections and went on to lose his St Andrew's ward in the family's Oswaldtwistle stronghold..The plus side for her is that it gives the veteran more time to weave his political magic on her behalf, and that the constituency boundaries are unchanged even if her bid to add Haslingden to its name was rejected by the Parliamentary Commissioners.

With no Workers Party candidate and no major Gaza split to eat into Labour's vote, Miss Britcliffe must also be hoping the constituency's 66.2 per cent vote for Brexit will do as much damage to her main opponent as to her in terms of support for Reform UK's Richard Oakley.

She has highlighted her own local roots, Labour's selection problems and the government's multi-million pound Levelling Up investments in the borough in her pitch to residents.

Sara Britcliffe is defending a slim majoritySara Britcliffe is defending a slim majority

Miss Britcliffe said: "Just over four years ago the people of Hyndburn put their trust in me to represent our home in Westminster after 27 years of Labour decline.

"Together we are making progress, with record investment into our town centres, schools being rebuilt and banking services being brought back for the first time in seven years.

"I have put Hyndburn back on the map, but there’s so much more to do.

"I'm from here, I’m for here and I have never left here.

"The choice is clear: it’s either Keir Starmer’s candidate who has never lived here or somebody you know and trust."

Sarah Smith on the other hand is counting on the winds of change the opinion polls suggest are sweeping the country nationally, and were underlined by Labour local election success in May, will propel her into Westminster.

Sarah Smith is hoping to held rebuild the Red WallSarah Smith is hoping to held rebuild the Red Wall

She has already hit back at claims she is an 'incomer' by highlighting her Oswaldtwistle and Rishton family roots.

Cllr Smith said: "The one thing that is coming up every day across Hyndburn is that the country desperately needs change.

"I am committed to fighting for residents and ending postcode inequalities. I have a proven track record, raising over £20m for youth activities and persuading the government to create 127,000 jobs for young people across the country during Covid.

"I will use my vast experience to fight for children and young people. I will also advocate for the high streets across the constituency.

"Our fantastic local businesses need the stability that only a Labour government can offer."

Reform's Richard Oakley is hopeful of an upsetReform's Richard Oakley is hopeful of an upset

Mr Oakley said: "Reform UK will stop the boats and freeze net legal immigration; raise the income tax threshold to £20,000; reach zero NHS waiting lists in two years; all NHS frontline staff and social care staff will pay zero basic rate tax for three years; and student loans will be written off after 10 years.

"My local policies for Hyndburn are no Muslim-only cemetery; make planning rules apply for HMOs; police stations in Great Harwood and Haslingden; repair and re-open Mercer Hall swimming pool; develop Accrington and Rossendale College into a university and support WASPI women's pension compensation."

Green Party candidate Shabir Fazal, elected as councillor for Accrington's Central ward on May 2, is hoping for a quick jump up from local to national politics.

He said: "The people of Hyndburn are tired of being taken for granted by the two major parties.

Shabir Fazal is standing for the GreensShabir Fazal is standing for the Greens

"The Green Party is the change we need. Its broad range of policies are designed to build a fairer, more just and greener future.

"Its principled stance on Palestine is a symbol of its desire to pursue justice for all those that are oppressed.

"Its support for the NHS and taking energy and utility companies back into public ownership proof it is on the side of ordinary people.

"Its commitment to a £15 per hour minimum wage, scrapping the two-child cap on child benefit, free school meals for all schoolchildren and the abolition of tuition fees is evidence of the party’s commitment to eradicating poverty.

"Its complete focus on tackling climate change is proof of its commitment to our children’s future."

Beth Waller-Slack is offering an alternativeBeth Waller-Slack is offering an alternative

Liberal Democrat Beth Waller-Slack said: "The Liberal Democrats want a fair deal for all in society.

"To provide safe, warm, environmentally friendly-housing, care when needed free of charge, access to GPs within the week and free school meals for primary students to provide the best start in life.

"We would support all carers, paid or unpaid.

"We would fund our pledges through reversing the Conservative tax cuts for big banks.

"We want to help both employees and employers: skills for life; fairer sick, maternity and paternity pay; funding small businesses to employ more workers; and improving trading with Europe."

If the polls and national mood come to pass, Cllr Smith should take back the seat back for Labour but - as the last couple of years have once again demonstrated - politics in Hyndburn is a strange business so perhaps it's best not to bet the house on it.

Polling aggregator Electoral Calculus gives Labour a 95 per cent chance of winning in Hyndburn.

The full list of candidates is: Sara Britcliffe – Conservative Party; Shabir Fazal - Green Party; Richard Oakley – Reform UK; Sarah Smith - Labour Party; and Beth Waller-Slack – Liberal Democrats.