A man attacked a total stranger in the street accusing him of being a paedophile.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard the victim was simply walking to work in Nelson on September 4 when he was punched several times by Bernard Roberts.

The man fought back and there was a scuffle before Roberts walked off.

Roberts, 53, of Whinney Hill Road, Skipton, admitted to assaulting Pavel Dimov and using threatening behaviour towards him in Nelson.

He was given an eight-month community order with a 10-day rehabilitation activity requirement. He was also ordered to pay £150 compensation.

Graeme Tindall, prosecuting, said: “The aggrieved was walking to work in the early evening when he was confronted by the defendant who called him a paedophile.

"He then punched him four or five times. The aggrieved fought back and they grappled in the street.”

Mr Tindall said as he walked off Roberts told the other man; “Next time I see you I will kill you and snap your neck.”

Gareth Price, mitigating, said his client was schizophrenic and at the time of the offences had not been on medication.

“It was a mindless confrontation and typical of his behaviour when not medicated,” said Mr Price.

“Not long after this incident he was admitted to hospital in Harrogate and stayed there as an in-patient. Since his discharge, he has been living in supported accommodation.”