Callous thieves entered a home in Huncoat and stole car keys and the vehicle. 

On Sunday, June 9, the offenders entered the property in Winterley Drive and took the vehicle’s keys.

CCTV shows four offenders at 3.45am making off with the vehicle, possibly in convoy with a blue BMW.

A police spokesperson said: “[We want to] to make you aware of a burglary that happened during the early hours of Sunday, June 9.

“The offenders have gained entry through a rear door and obtained vehicle keys before making off with the owners’ car. 

“CCTV enquiries are ongoing and put four offenders at 03.45hrs making off, possibly in convoy with... a blue BMW.  

“If you have any information not yet forwarded in relation to this investigation then please get in touch, either to this email or by calling 101 quoting log reference LC-20240609-0324. 

“Please remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity on 101, if you witness a crime in progress on 999.

“It might be worth considering your security and any further measures you could take. Please be assured that patrols are being stepped up [this] area.”