The mother of a teenager who has gone missing in Tenerife said she is ‘beside herself with worry’.

Jay Slater, 19, from Oswaldtwistle was last spoken to at 8.50am on Monday, June 17. According to a location pin sent to his friend Lucy, his last known location was near Rural de Teno Park. 

He said he was lost in the middle of the mountains with nothing around.

Jay attended a music festival on the island and then decided to stay with some people he met following a night out, not realising how far away they lived. He then attempted to walk home when he became lost in the mountains.

A search was underway to find him near the village of Masca, in the Parque Rural de Teno. 

Oswaldtwistle teen goes missing after night out in Tenerife

Mum Debbie also revealed that 'sick' people had been making prank calls.

Speaking earlier from the island where her son had been staying, Debbie said: “I’ve only been in Tenerife for about 10 minutes and I’ve just had a quick chat with someone from the British Embassy and am waiting for them to call back so I know a bit more. The consulate has been really good so far."

She added: “He'd been at a three-day festival so he would have consumed a fair bit of alcohol but Jay was snapchatting with friends before he went missing and seemed very compos mentis.

“I just think it was a question of him not knowing the island well enough because it was his first time here and being a bit disorientated when it came to distances and not realising it was a 10-hour walk from where he went missing to his holiday accommodation.

“I know the last place he spoke to his friend Lucy from was in the mountains and I think the police have got a more precise location now.”

She also told of sick individuals had called claiming they had her son captive.

She said: 'Some of the phone calls I've been getting have been horrible. I just don't know why people would want to do things like this.

“I've been getting lots of prank calls. It's sickening. People ringing me and saying they've got Jay because he owes them money.

“But it's not putting me off and I want to keep this in the news because it's going to increase the chances of Jay being found safe and well which is obviously what we're praying for.”

Isabelle posted a new video on the Missing Jay Slater Facebook page this evening and said: "This is a clear video of what Jay was wearing on the night he went missing.

"To all the vile nasty humans, whether it is making nasty comments, posts or making fake GoFundMe - these need to stop. They are just unnecessary and hurtful."