A man who was being arrested racially abused two police officers.

Blackburn Magistrates' Court heard the actions of Matthew Scorer in Nelson on July 7, 2023, had made one of the officers consider why he did his job.

“During such incidents, I often wonder why I do the job that I do, trying to protect the public, when I am being racially abused,” the officer said in a victim statement.

Scorer, 35, of The Thomas Project, Spring Lane, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to two charges of racially aggravated threatening behaviour.

He was remanded on bail until July 17 for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Usma Kausar, prosecuting, said Scorer had been arrested for an unrelated matter and placed in the back of a police van.

This was when he bombarded the two officers, both of South Asian heritage, with racial insults.

“He ignored requests to stop and continued with abuse of a racist nature,” said Miss Kausar.

Waseem Choudhary, in mitigation, said the offences went back to July and his client had appeared in court and been sentenced for other matters since then.

“Clearly these offences should have been dealt with at the same time,” said Mr Choudhary.

He said Scorer had now entered residential rehab with the Thomas Project and was now abstaining from alcohol and drugs.

“Staff at the Thomas Project report no concerns,” said Mr Choudhary. “Drink has always been a problem for him but he is now moving in the right direction with his life.”