A veteran East Lancashire politician has welcomed an invitation from the new owners of Waddow Hall to set up a new charity to operate the site.

Nigel Evans, Conservative candidate for the Ribble Valley who has served as its MP for the past 32 years, says a new charity will reopen the site and welcome back Girl Guides and other youth groups. 

In May 2023 Girlguiding UK announced it was to sell Waddow Hall and its four other UK activity centres as it could not afford their upkeep.

The manor house and grounds, which had been managed by Girlguiding UK since 1927, closed on December 31 last year.

Mr Evans has campaigned to rescue the site and keep it open as an activity hub, including working with the Waddow Hall Trust set up to save it.

Mr Evans said: “I campaigned for the outdoor activity site to remain open when the Girl Guides announced its closure last year, and like many people in the Ribble Valley I was devastated when it closed. 

“I want to welcome the Girl Guides and other young people back within months, and I look forward to celebrating Waddow Hall’s centenary in just three years’ time.

“Waddow Hall has been an incredible site for young people to come and visit from the Ribble Valley and surrounding areas for almost 100 years.

"I am delighted this site has been saved and that I have been asked to head up a new charity that will re-open the site to girl guides and other young people for many years to come.

“This will not only be a huge boost for the Ribble Valley, but for all surrounding areas as Waddow Hall will once again offer outdoor activities to young people from all surrounding areas and especially those from urban settings to come and visit the glorious countryside of the Ribble Valley.”

Conservative Clitheroe County Councillor Sue Hind added: “This is simply a dream come true.

"I could not have been happier to hear this news and I want everyone to get behind Nigel as he re-opens the site."