A “dangerous” paedophile, who tried to rape a 14-year-old girl in Brierfield, has been sentenced.

Jeremy Wood, 56, attempted to rape a 14-year-old at a house in Brierfield, in September 2022.

Thankfully, he was disturbed before he could succeed.

Wood, formerly of Hope Street, Brierfield, but now of no fixed address, was arrested the day after the offence.

Wood was found guilty of attempted rape earlier this year. He was back in the dock at Burnley Crown Court on Friday (June 14) where a judge deemed him to be a dangerous offender.

Wood was jailed for eight years and nine months with an extended period on licence of eight years. 

DC Francesca Wheatley, of the police’s child protection team, said: “Wood is a dangerous individual who presents a significant risk to female children because of his perverted sexual interests. I welcome today’s sentence which offers the public a great deal of protection from him.”

A police spokesperson said: "If you or somebody you know has been the victim of a sexual offence report it online via or call 101. Do this in the knowledge that you will be believed, listened to and we will do everything in  power to put the perpetrator before the courts."