A football club has pledged their support to a teenage season ticket holder with a rare form of childhood cancer.

Fourteen-year-old Lucy Wright, from Great Harwood, was just eight when she was diagnosed with neuroblastoma and has undergone gruelling treatment at the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and in the USA.

Lucy’s parents, Carrie and Richard Wright, have been fundraising and used the money to take her to the States for treatment to help keep her in remission.

The treatment was proving to be successful until the last visit, when scans showed she had sadly relapsed again.

READ MORE: Brave Lucy, 11, officially in remission after three-year cancer battle

In the UK, there is no set treatment for Lucy’s relapsed neuroblastoma, and despite the best efforts of the NHS team, her cancer has continued to spread.

In Pennsylvania, USA, Lucy’s oncologist has put together a combination of treatments for her, and the family has travelled three times as part of her current plan.

Lucy has to make two more trips to Pennsylvania to complete the treatment plan, which is set to finish in October 2025, but the family has reached the point where they have exhausted the funds that were left and need support.

Burnley FC, where Lucy is a season ticket holder, have been in touch with Lucy and ahead of the new season have started work to help get her to the USA for the treatment and give her the best chance of a bright future.

A club statement said: “She is an incredible young lady who has stayed positive throughout her cancer journey.

“She’d like to be a paediatric oncology nurse when she’s older, to work with children like herself going through a cancer journey.”

A fundraising page set up by Carrie is aiming to raise £25,000, with almost £8,000 raised so far.

A description on the page says Lucy is “thriving” three months into the new medication and the scans are much improved.

It added: “She’s experiencing minimal side effects and as much as possible she is a typical teenage girl.

“We are raising funds to help us with the remaining costs of continuing the travelling to the USA so that Lucy can access this treatment for the next two years.

READ MORE: Joy as Lucy Wright makes it home from hospital for Christmas Day

“Visits are every three months initially and then, all being well, drop to six-monthly. Our costs include flights and car hire.

“Whilst we managed the funds from our original campaign very carefully, we have reached the point where we have exhausted the funds available but still have two more visits to the USA for treatment.

“There is no cost for the medication currently (although this may change in the future and we need to be prepared to have to pay).”

The family added that any funds raised but not required will be set aside to support Lucy with any medical needs she may have in the future as a result of the long-term side effects of treatment.

To donate to the fundraiser, search for ‘Help us fund Philadelphia for Lucy’ on GoFundMe.