On a visit to Lancashire, Shadow Energy Secretary Ed Miliband and Labour’s candidate for Pendle and Clitheroe committed to ‘bring manufacturing back to the North West’ as part of Labour’s mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower.

Visiting Rolls Royce's factory in Barnoldswick, Ed Miliband said that 'after 14 years in power, the Conservatives have run out of ideas and don’t have a plan to bring jobs, investment or new industries to the region'.

He outlined how Labour will 'deliver the biggest investment in clean energy in British history to cut bills and create the next generation of good jobs, including 77,000 across the North West'.

Labour is hoping to win the newly-created seat of Pendle & Clitheroe, which in its previous iteration as Pendle was represented by Conservative Andrew Stephenson, who is running for re-election.

During his visit, Mr Miliband said: "Families across Lancashire have been badly let down by this Conservative government.

"After 14 years of decline under the Tories, it is time for change.

"Labour will bring manufacturing back to the North West with our mission to make Britain a clean energy superpower.

"We will set up Great British Energy, a publicly owned energy company to invest in homegrown, clean energy that will cut bills for families and support good, well-paid jobs across the region.

"We will drive jobs and investment to industrial heartlands around the North West as we seize the opportunities of the clean energy revolution to reindustrialise Britain."

Labour's plans include the creation of Great British Energy, a publicly owned energy company, which it says will invest in homegrown, clean energy to cut bills, boost energy security and create and sustain good jobs.

The party wants to make Britain a world leader in cutting-edge energy technologies such as floating offshore wind, and end what it calls '14 years of drift and delay' on nuclear power.

Jonathan Hinder, Labour candidate for Pendle and Clitheroe, added: "Labour will bring the next generation of good jobs to communities like ours.

"We have a plan to deliver the biggest investment in clean energy in British history to create jobs, boost energy security and cut bills for good.

"Over 14 years the Conservatives have allowed bills to soar and jobs to go overseas. Only a vote for Labour on July 4 will deliver the change Pendle and Clitheroe needs."