Two Audi cars were believed to have been racing when one of them collided with another car travelling in the opposite direction.

Blackburn magistrates heard the driver of a Toyota Yaris mounted the pavement to avoid a head-on collision but was still hit by an Audi driven by Taiyeeb Shah.

Shah, 29, of Tenby Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving. He was committed on bail to Preston Crown Court to be sentenced on July 16.

Usma Kauser prosecuting, said police attended a two-car collision in Earl Street in the early evening.

There were three people in the Audi and two in the Toyota and all suffered injuries.

She said the Audi was caught on camera travelling at excessive speed.

“There was another Audi and the officer formed the opinion they were either racing or the defendant was overtaking,” said Miss Kausar.

“The Toyota swerved onto the pavement to try and avoid a head-on collision and it was hit on the side.”