A VOLUNTEER inspired by her father has helped to bring three singing groups together for an Alzheimer's Society fundraiser.

Lorna Harwood is a member of the Blackburn Singing for the Brain group and helped to stage an intergenerational 'Connected Voices' concert.

Joining the group on stage were the Blackburn People's Choir and the youth choir Vocalise.

And the event was supported by Lancashire County of Song, Right At Home (East Lancs and Ribble Valley) SurfacePrint, Culturapedia and the Alzheimer's Society itself.

Lorna said: "David, my dad, was a lovely Irishman with a beautiful singing voice, who happened to have dementia.

"Sometimes he couldn't remember where he lived, or how to eat his breakfast, but when he sang with his dementia choir, The Forget-me-not Chorus, he was transported back to the man he had once been.

"The choir's joy and sense of 'oneness' was palpable, and I just wanted to experience that magic again.

"I thought it would be wonderful if our Singing for the Brain group could share their song with friends and family.”

Jade Trafford, regional fundraiser for Alzheimer’s Society, added; "We are so grateful to everyone who gave their time to support us through the Connected Voices Concert.

"Each hour people generously give to fundraise for us, every event they take part in, every pound they donate, they’re making a life-changing difference to people living with dementia.’

Those seeking advice can visit alzheimers.org.uk online or call the Dementia Support Line on 0333 150 3456.